Pastor Chris Cooper
About Pastor Chris
I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My Mom came to know Christ when I was in the fifth grade and shortly after that I heard the gospel in a Sunday School class. I left that class that day knowing that God had loved me enough to die for me despite my sinfulness. It was a wonderful experience. In junior high I became very performance driven and for the next decade I all but forgot the gospel and the joy of grace freely bestowed upon the believer. It was not until shortly after college that God once again radically opened up my eyes to the gospel and to the grace given to us in Christ. Since that time I have sought to respond to this grace and to treasure Christ in all that I do.
I am married to Mindy Cooper and we have two children, Emily and Ian. We share a common trait of being pretty laid back. We enjoy being together and watching StarTrek, Voyager, and MacGyver episodes on television. My son likes to work with computers and design things and my daughter loves to write stories, she hopes one day to be a writer.
I have always loved to read the Bible. My best friend once told me he did not think that I could teach an Old Testament text because I typically preached from the New Testament. I took that as a challenge and began reading the prophets. I fell in love with them as teachers and evangelists. I really enjoy the Psalms and try to meditate upon one of them each week. One of my favorite psalms lately is Psalm 11. I like it most because David is going through a severe trial. Yet, even though his companion tells him to flee, he does not. David was willing to remain and trust God. These verses often encourage me to be less accepting of what my ears hear and my eyes see, but to seek fully the Lord's wisdom in each circumstance. Colossians 3 is another favorite passage of mine and I use it often in ministry. It reminds me of the many blessings that we have in Christ. He saves us and places us in a body of believers where we can apply the gospel to every circumstance.
I love doing ministry and am grateful for the opportunity to do so. In my spare time to relax I like to write devotionals. My favorite past time is enjoying good food with family and friends. I enjoy hanging out with my family either at home or out enjoying some activity with them. I am blessed with a wonderful wife who is godly and loving and we enjoy the opportunity we have right now to be used in ministry here at Community Church.