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Our Values
In response to God's glory and grace, we commit to these values:
Bible Saturated
We practice gospel-centered expository preaching.
Encouraging progressively deeper reading and application of God's word individually, in families, and all church settings.
Grace Based Community
We are making ourselves accessible as a family to disciple, nurture, and bear one another's burdens in all aspects of life.
God's continuing grace enables us to hold one another accountable, resolve conflict, and restore relationships with a spirit of gentleness, love, and forgiveness.
Community Groups are promoted as a central means by which we grow biblically and relationally side-by-side.
We gather for Sunday morning corporate worship and remember Christ's sacrifice through baptism and the Lord's Supper.
Living intentional lives personally and corporately, pursuing local outreach, evangelism, and community care to expand God's Kingdom.
Faithful prayer and fasting, individually and corporately.
Encouragement of gift-empowered ministry.
Bearing the fruit of the Spirit and obeying the commands of Christ.
Equipping, sending, and supporting missionaries at home and abroad.
Encouraging rich theological study and discussions.
Let’s Connect
Reach out so we can connect.
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