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Children's Ministry

Providing Opportunities to assist you in training your children towards godliness!


Community Church strives to equip and assist parents as they seek to train their children up in the Lord. See below for our current resources and opportunities for children to grow in their faith.


Parents: if you need encouragement in raising children, let us know, we will be more than happy to equip you with resources and friends to help mentor you as needed. 

Nursery School

Students ranging from age two through eighteen are working through the Life Plan  Curriculum during Sunday School. Each lesson includes a discussion, hands-on activities, a memory verse, and a "Family Do" guide to review the lesson throughout the week.

Bible Lessons

Youth Bible Study

Sixth through twelfth graders- join us on every first and third Tuesday of the month for a fellowship and time in the Word. Contact the church office for more information!



Nursery is available during the service for children ages 4 and under. There is also a separate room designated for nursing mothers.

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Children in Worship

Clipboards with crayons and sermon activity pages are available at the welcome desk for ages 2-5 & 6+.

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