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Community Church


Growing together in community and fellowship in the Lord!

As women, living side-by-side, we exist to engage, encourage, mentor, and equip women of all ages in our communities to treasure and spread the surpassing worth of JESUS.

To accomplish our mission, each year we offer women's Bible Studies, special events, outreach activities, and a yearly retreat.

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Coffee and Cake

To provide an opportunity for fellowship with each other, we often go out to eat, plan a meal at church, or meet at a local coffee house.  

We are currently doing a book study on the book "Adorned" by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. There are a couple different groups that you can join if you are not already a part of one. See Peggy Rowan for details.


2024 Book Study


One special event we held in 2023 was an all-ladies cookie decorating event. Women of all ages came and learned how to decorate sugar cookies with flooding royal icing. It was a special time for moms to connect with daughters and all ladies to get to know each other and develop a fun skill. 

To encourage prayer for each other, we occasionally offer a program called Secret Sisters.  Women who want to participate agree to pray for and encourage another woman in the congregation, all the while trying to remain anonymous.  Secret Sisters normally runs from Valentines Day to Thanksgiving, when a reveal event is planned. 

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Each year we plan 1 to 2 retreats. These are normally in the Spring and Fall. 2023's theme was "Confident Hope". We heard from three women in our church how God was their confident hope in times of trail. We prayed, shared testimonies, sang together, and read scripture all pointing our hearts to the source of our hope and confidence. 

To learn more about our women's ministry or to get involved with our service projects please contact Peggy Rowan.

Growing the Family ¤ Transforming Lives ¤ Doing Missions

© 2021 Community Church, Stevens Point, WI 715-341-8811

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