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Community Church Discipleship


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In this season of ministry Colossians 1:28-29 is our battle cry.

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."

Plethos started with a handful of faithful Disciple-Makers. We simply get to continue to do the assignment Jesus handed down to us as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20. We are passionate about adding fuel to the Disciple-Making Movement already happening worldwide.

In the spring of 2016, a bunch of pastors and leaders jumped into two Virtual Training Huddles, consisting of six men each led by a Discipleship Coach. The following spring Plethos launched three new Virtual Training Huddles. By the end of 2017, a total of 23 pastors and leaders were trained through what came to be known as the Life Plan.

After two years of planning, preparing, and equipping, Plethos multiplied in 2018. Plethos created the Life Plan, launched its first women's Virtual Training Huddle, and many faithful men started local in-person Training Huddles all over the United States. In 2018, we saw a substantial increase in the number of participants going through the Life Plan when 120 participants were trained in Huddles by 12 Discipleship Coaches. Then, in 2019, there were 17 Discipleship Coaches training around 130 people using the Life Plan.

Since 2016, around 250 participants, including 25 Pastors have been trained to use the Life Plan in their home and circle of influence. We want to continue to obey Jesus through training Disciple-Makers. We will do this by providing quality content, coaching opportunities, conferences, and training for churches.

One of the simplest ways that you can partner with Plethos Global is by lifting our ministry up in prayer. Here are some ways you can pray for us:

  • Please pray for us to know the right thing to do at the right time and to say it in the right way. Pray for us to have wisdom as we serve the men and women God has given us to train as disciple-makers and to come alongside (1 Chronicles 22:12-13).

  • To grow in character.

  • To know God's will and do it.

  • For daily provision to meet our annual budget.

  • For our marriages.

  • For our children.

  • For our Discipleship Coaches.

  • For our participants and their families.

  • For those who need healing.

  • For protection from the evil one.

Visit our website:

Growing the Family ¤ Transforming Lives ¤ Doing Missions

© 2021 Community Church, Stevens Point, WI 715-341-8811

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