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If you've landed on this page, it may be you are searching for truthful answers.  And that timeless truth can only be found in the bible.  Why must He become greater and I become less?  Please read on...

The bible teaches being a good person, generous, kind to friends and strangers, even attending church on a regular basis is not enough to find yourself in heaven for eternity after you die.  As evidence we look to one particular verse in the bible, Matthew 19:16-26, in which a young man claiming to be a good person asks Jesus what he needs to do to get to heaven.  Jesus simply answers “Follow me.”  In another familiar verse, John 14:6, Jesus declares:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

In this verse, “The Father” is synonymous with heaven.  Following Jesus does not mean you need to sell everything and say goodbye to your friends and family, quite the contrary.  In John 10:10, Jesus speaks of himself as a gentle shepherd who offers us an abundant life and contrasts himself with a thief, which in this case represents sin and evil:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

And he did indeed lay down his life for us and our sin, then rose again for our salvation.

There are many in this world who say they are Christian, but not all who claim to be Christians are followers of Christ.  For those who are not true followers of Christ, the bible tells us their eternity holds the ultimate in bleak promises: hell.  True followers however have nothing to lose and everything to gain, which is an abundant life here on earth followed by an eternity in heaven after death.  True followers know the importance of making Jesus more in their lives by taking the focus off themselves. Under our own power, taking the focus off us is nearly impossible but Jesus knows everything about us including our many shortcomings so He offers a solution in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus promises us a spiritual helper that will come along side, take our hand in good times and bad, reveal the truth to us and help us to better follow Jesus, He said in John 14:16:

“and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” 

"The world," as Jesus mentions in the verse above, represents people who do not understand our need for the Holy Spirit.  Praying to Jesus and asking the Holy Spirit to come into your life is a first step in becoming a true follower of Jesus.  Following Jesus and living as true Christian here on earth will not always be easy, but the path to putting your faith in Him, and an eternity in heaven, is very easy,  just learn how to follow Him!  Any of our Elders or Pastor Chris would be overjoyed to hear from you and help get you started in the right direction!

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© 2021 Community Church, Stevens Point, WI 715-341-8811

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