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Chad Gregory

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesian 3:20-21

My name is Chad Gregory and I am a servant of the Lord, though I fail and fall often, He is there to pick me up and carry me on. I am married with four children. Kim and I are not originally from Wisconsin but are transplants from Oklahoma. We moved here in 2007 after being married and to finish my undergraduate degree at UWSP and essentially never left. We absolutely love living here. Our children's names are Madi, Owen, Emily, and Noah. 


I am a physician assistant for Stevens Point Orthopedics and have been a PA-C since 2018. Previously I worked an athletic trainer for Saint Michael's hospital. I enjoy all things outdoors and athletic, especially cross country skiing.  Kim is a homemaker, teacher, crafter, and cookie aficionado. Madi and Kim are always working on some type of craft. Owen is really into building with Legos and driving RC cars. Emily loves to play with barbies and stuffed animals. Noah is into everything especially whatever his siblings are doing. With four children life is often fairly stressful and busy but even with everything going on, Kim and I strive to make God the centerpiece and cornerstone of our home.

We have been so blessed to be a part of Community Church. The passion for God's word is what drew us in and kept us here. I am honored and extremely humbled to serve as elder for our church. We as a church want to see God do abundantly and immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine, not for us or for our glory but for the glory of the church and Jesus Christ. We strive to always make God and the gospel the primary message in all things done at Community Church. May God continue to use and work through us to complete his amazing plan. Thank you.

Growing the Family ¤ Transforming Lives ¤ Doing Missions

© 2021 Community Church, Stevens Point, WI 715-341-8811

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